Saturday, October 19, 2013

I'm Still Around

Yes, it's been weellllll over a month since I last blogged, but can I just say this school year seems to be kicking my rear!  I can't believe it's already the middle of October!  So many little things are different this year (remember my "years" span August to August with the school year) and I just can't seem to get into a routine.

First, I had to change classrooms this past summer.  I loved my old room.  It was spacious and attached to a mini computer lab.  Second, I lost the BEST teaching assistant in the world.  While I love the assistants I have (first grade shares three) and they are FABULOUS!!!! Janice and I had built a bond and she could read my mind.  Even one of my students piped up a few weeks ago and just randomly said "I sure miss Mrs. Janice."

Third, my baby boy is in Kindergarten now (I can't believe it!)  and therefore I get NOTHING done before or after school on many days.  He is ALL boy and loves to run free and the momma in me won't let him do that before and after school.  And lastly, John's been working 12 hour shifts on weekends and that leaves me and the kiddos.  Weekends zoooooooommmmm by!  That change this weekend, though.

I have so much to update you on, hopefully soon.

In the meantime:

This was taken a few weeks ago.