Friday, January 14, 2011

I Can't Believe I Am Doing This!

I have always wondered why the every day person would post to a blog.  I have wondered if people are self centered enough to think the whole world was interested in them.  I have perused mommy blogs and I was hooked (and wrong, I think!).  I saw so many other moms out there I could commiserate with.  It got me to thinking, maybe someone would be amused by my ramblings, so why not try my hand at this blog thing.  I also thought maybe it would be a fun way for some of my friends or family I don't see often to stay up to date with what is going on in the Lewis household.  Don't expect too many posts, grammatically correct posts, or hey, even coherent posts for that matter!

I'm not sure I should even be trying my hand at this, as my husband would say, I already have so much going on!  Currently we are trying to get our house on the market (anyone need a cute little house in South Knoxville!), I teach 1st Graders, an hour away.  I have an indescribably amazing two year old little boy with more energy than the energizer bunny!  I am seeking my Ed.S (Education Specialist) degree from LMU in Curriculum and Instruction.  I am trying to catch up a little on my scrapbooking (I'll never be caught up!).  I am currently trying my hand at the Knifty Knitter and just finished my first scarf (Yay me!).  I am beginning a new Bible Study (Boundaries with Children!).   

I don't consider myself an intellectual thinker.  I don't keep up with world issues or politics like I probably should.  I am passionate about my family (I do have the best in the world!)  If you become at all interested in my life, let me know.

I will update and figure this whole blog thing out, pictures included.  Just bear (or bare, not sure which!) with me. 

Til we meet again..........

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