Monday, April 2, 2012

A to Z Challenge "B"

I had a post all typed out about baking. I scrubbed it.

Today's word is......because. I've found myself using this word all too much lately.

I didn't exercise because....
I didn't eat enough vegetables or fruits because.....
I ate too much because...
I stayed up too late because......
I didn't get to that because.....

It seems to be my most used word lately. I need to find a new favorite word.

Have you been overusing any words lately? Maybe a better question would be.....what excuses have you been making lately?


  1. Hi Rebecca. Great post!

    I also use the word 'because' a lot and also use it as an excuse the way you have described but my overused word/excuse is 'however'.

    'I didn't manage to exercise today however I'll do twice as much tomorrow'.
    'I would love to come to your dinner party however...I'm washing my hair'

    Good luck with the rest of the challenge!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ha, I've thought the "twice as much tomorrow!". Boy I have a lot of exercise to make up for! Thanks for stopping in.

  2. So true. I am going to blog about something on the same lines later today - blame. Great minds! :-)

    1. Yours was a great post! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Good post. I do the because thing too much too.

  4. Because what? I want a baking recipe! Can you find one with C?

  5. I too make a lot of 'Because' excuses and I am trying to get out of the habit. I tend to over use the word 'Very' and 'Like' waaaay to much.

    Konstanz Silverbow
    A to Z c-host

    1. I overuse like as well. I'm a child of the 80's though!

  6. Man... am I good at excuses. I like to think of myself as one of the great procrastinators. I even own the domain (, but still haven't done anything with it. Oh well. I'm a work in progress :-)

    You'll do fine this month. I promise.

  7. Great post! My fave is ...because my husband is staying up late. Then I have it rough the next day when I didn't get enough sleep. I've got lots of other "becauses," but now that you've drawn attention to them, I'll have to see if I can come up with another conjunction for my excuses. :)
